Call of duty black ops cold war cross gen bundle
Call of duty black ops cold war cross gen bundle

call of duty black ops cold war cross gen bundle

But, the game will not include any of the next-generation features, such as higher framerate, hardware-based ray-tracing, faster load times, and more. After upgrade purchase, you may install the Xbox Series X|S version of the game.īoth current generation versions (PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) will be playable on their respective next-generation console via backwards compatibility by downloading the game from your account’s digital library. For digital owners of the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Standard Edition, search in the Xbox Store for the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Cross-Gen Bundle Upgrade. Xbox One will have an option to upgrade to Xbox Series X|S through the Xbox Store.

call of duty black ops cold war cross gen bundle

  • PlayStation 4 will have an option to upgrade to PlayStation 5 through the PlayStation Store.
  • Next-generation upgrade options for PlayStation 4 and Xbox Oneīoth digital console versions of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War offer upgrades, within the same console family, from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5 and Xbox One to Xbox Series X|S that will support higher framerate, hardware-based ray-tracing, shorter load times, and more.

    Call of duty black ops cold war cross gen bundle